Exercise bikes are stationary bicycles designed primarily for indoor cardiovascular workouts. They feature a saddle, pedals, and handlebars akin to traditional bikes but are set on a fixed frame.

There are various types of exercise bikes available:

  • Upright Bikes: These resemble traditional bicycles, positioning the rider upright with the pedals located beneath the body.
  • Recumbent Bikes: These offer a more laid-back, reclined position, placing the pedals in front of the rider’s body.
  • Indoor Cycling Bikes: Tailored for vigorous, high-intensity workouts, these bikes typically feature a heavier flywheel and adjustable resistance.

Widely used in gyms and fitness centers, exercise bikes are also popular for home use. They offer a low-impact workout that’s gentle on the joints while enhancing cardiovascular health, endurance, and overall fitness levels.